Saturday, April 12, 2008

How to make a Pokemon-Obsessed nine year-old's day...

OK... so I do the laundry here. It's not that I like to... it just that I am rather, um... "particular" about how I like things. So it is just easier for me to do it than to have anyone else do it, and obsess about it not being right (that is my version of right).

Anyway, I have a couple of rules...
  • 1. if it comes to me wrong-side-out, it gets washed, dried, folded, and returned that way
  • 2. if I find money -- it's mine
  • 3. I don't check pockets

Well, Zander has a habit of taking his favorite (best) Poke*Mon cards to school to play with his friends. Unfortuantely, he left several of his highest point cards in his pants pocket one day, and I washed them. Needless to say, they didn't fare very well (better than the two phones I have washed, but that is a note for another day).

Upon me informing him of this, he was crushed --- while he stopped short of crying, he did say something to the effect of "Dad, other than watching TV, my PokeMon cards are the only things I really love to do." Now (notwithstanding the social commentary about TV), that kind of broke my heart. I bought him a couple new packs of cards, but -- like Forrest says, it's like a box of chocolates -- I can't simply replace the lost cards. You buy the pack, and get what you get.

Now... back to the story... Zander and his buddies actually play the Pokemon game (which I like, cuz it is better than some creepy 30-year old dude collecting these cards and living in his mom's basement). Each card has a point value -- the lowest being 10, the highest any of Zander and his friends had ever seen was 180. But there was a rumor of a 200 point card! VERY RARE...

So with a little help from Ebay, I began the task of redemption...

Step 1: Find the card, and order it :

Wait a week... and get it...

Next, run to your local Target to buy a new pack of PokeMon cards, an Xacto-knife, and super glue...

Begin the careful operation of extracting the pack of cards from the exterior blister pack (why the hell are these things packed twice???) -- then opening the pack of cards. Note, these are so tightly packed, I had to remove a card from the pack to replace it with Wailord (the 200 pointer):And finally glue everything back together...

Looks like new again...

And finally give it to him (he eventually figured out the ruse... but it took a bit of time)