Sunday, October 18, 2009

Vegas Baby -- (or "How I Learned to Stop Worring, and Love My Liver")

Happy Birthday to ME!!!!

OK... so not everyone thought the last Vegas post was as funny as I did... but ya gotta admit, there was a certain amount of humor in it. Anyway... I have gathered a few pix to share -- the less "incriminating" ones, anyway. I will respect the "What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas", for some of the more ... uh ... entertaining events. (If you want to know the dirt, feel free to ask Karina or Tim Duncan (yes that Tim Duncan).

But first, the story...

I'll give you the five-minute overview, from my myopic vantage point. It all began at the airport in Vegas... (cue the flashback music and blurred images)

But first the very brief background... I wanted to go to Vegas for my 40th birthday -- and as luck had it, some friends we hadn't seen in a couple of years (Michael and Tricia Cohen) were going to be there, for a wedding, the week prior to my birthday -- so we elected that weekend to celebrate.

Upon arrival, Thursday afternoon, at McCarran Airport, Tracy and I were strolling through baggage claim, and she commented she would call the shuttle company and see where we were to meet the bus. However, when she put the phone to her ear, she said "Hey, we are here... where are you guys?" Hmmm.... that seemed an odd way to talk the bus dispatcher. Then I turned to see Chris and Vicki Ward (from Colorado... or maybe Oklahoma... or was it Atlanta, or Nebraska... whatever, like it matters... the important thing is THEY WERE STANDING IN FRONT OF ME!!!). WOW, COOL, a couple of my friends came out for my birthday! So we all four jump on the bus to our hotel (The Excalibur).

After we check in and get organized, we head to the lobby bar... where local, KC friend Nick Palermo is waiting for us... another surprise!!! So we drink there for awhile (this may become a theme...)

Now all five of us head north, up the strip, to the Venetian so Tracy and I can pick up our tickets to The Blue Man Group... we stopped at ever hotel/casino along the way for another beer (and for Ward to piss... man, that dude has the bladder of a three-year-old girl!). So, as we get our tickets (BTW... T is pretty loaded at this point, and had a few very special moments with Barbara the ticket rep)... Nick decides to go too, and buys THREE tickets (hmmmmm.....).

Tickets acquired, we crossed the street to go eat at the buffet at The Mirage... by now, it is just a mobile party. As we sit down to eat bestest drinking (and occasional running) buddy Amy Krohn walks in, with the EVER-beautiful (and galatically-patient) Karina. So, it is now it is dinner for seven... the drinking, eating, and noise-making continued until it was time to run across the street for the show... The Blue Man Group is awesome... if you ever go to Vegas, I recommend it above all others (sorry... I just don't get any of the Cirque du Soleil crap...). From the show, we made our way back to the Excalibur (drunken pix with Faux-Elvis, and the MGM statues, and the requisite stops for beer/peeing at each hotel), where we all pretty much called it a night.

Friday started with Ward and I going for a nice, healthy, four-mile run in the 80 degree dessert sunshine. Sadly... that was about the only healthy maneuver of the day... we hit the poolside at 10AM, and the Corona/Dos Equis began flowing... I'm still a little sketchy on the day's chronology... but I did end up showered and dressed, and we ended up in the casino, where Bill and Terri Bergmann magically appeared next to me! Now all 9 of us made our way next door to New York, New York for Pizza (and beer), and then back to the Excalibur for Blackjack. We were playing at a place they call "The Party Pit"... it is the table game area (mostly BJ) for the um... "rowdy"... no that's not right... the UNRULY crowd. Resplendent with stripper-lite chicks on stage behind the dealers, party beads, and the "fun" dealers and pit-bosses. Again... it gets a little vague here... but I do recall Ward and Bill alternating between handing me cans of Red Bull, and QUARTS of Corona (cuz I'm the guy you want BOTH drunk AND hopped up on Red Bull.... MISTAKE!!!!). And I was playing like an idiot... ("three and a six, against your Ace??? SPLIT 'EM!!!!"). The weird part... I kept winning! The only (vaguely) intelligent part of the night, is that each time I got a nice stack of chips, I would color them up, and had Tracy a $100 chip -- apparently, I did this several times!!!!! Finally, I found my way back to the room around 3AM ... FRIGGIN' FANTASTIC NIGHT!!!

You'd think Saturday morning would be less than spectacular -- but (as luck would have it), I woke back up at 7AM (yes, four hours later)... no hangover, cuz I was still pretty lit!!! At this time... Denny's didn't just seem like a good idea, it seemed like the ONLY idea. While everyone else didn't really agree -- I did call and wake everyone so we could go get breakfast. Unfortunately, by the time I finished eating -- the hangover was there... and I was TIRED!!!! So back to the hotel for a nap (about 10AM).

Two hours later, I gave serious consideration to killing Bill. He was pounding on my hotel door, and telling me it was time for lunch. The mere thought of food made me want to hurl... and I was still tired... and hungover -- and this bald bastard would not let me go back to sleep. Dick! Soon Ward joined him, and I was told "the wives" are waiting for us to join them for lunch. (at this point I hated them too, btw) So, again we are heading North up the strip, to Planet Hollywood -- where I am bitching and complaining with every step! Finally we arrive at one of those Brazilian Steakhouses (I'm still pissed)... and we walk into a private room, where "the wives", and Nick, and Amy & Karina, AND Michael and Tricia all yell "SURPRISE".... (I suddenly felt a bitawkward).

This was the biggest surprise of the weekend... Tracy -- who, as some of you know, plans NOTHING -- had NOT ONLY pulled a dozen friends to town, also planned the surprise party, complete with AMAZING 35 minute video montage!!!! It was a incredible (blazing hangover, notwithstanding).

The remainder of that day was pretty nonchalant for me... I lost a bit at BJ, and didn't feel like drinking (DUH!) so I racked out before 10PM. Tracy, on the other hand, along with Vicki, joined Tricia and her friend Nichole and they had a great time (this is one off the "WHIV, SIV" moments -- you can ask her for the details)... just know her night culminated around 3AM, with me holding her hair back (if you've been there, you understand what I mean).

Then it was Sunday -- our last full day in Vegas -- we elected to rent a poolside cabana for the day -- complete with big-screen TV, table, couch, 'fridge, and chaise lounges. We watched almost nine hours of football (gotta love Pacific time -- football starts at 10AM!!!!), got further sunburned, and generally had a great time.

Monday rolled around, all too soon... and Tracy and I slept the entire flight home!!!! Which is a good thing - I think I calculated less than ten hours of sleep between Thursday and Monday!!!! F**k New York... Vegas is the city that never sleeps! Below are some of the "shareable" pix from the trip...

Now for the pix...


This is after we arrived (and had a few rounds at the Excalibur) ... and were beginning the trek to the Venetian to pick up the Blue Man Tix

Not sure the best part of this picture... the "Las Vegas Blvd" sign in the back, or both my homies throwing up gang signs!!!

I believe I am the last remaining hold-out who doesn't refer to Ward by his call-sign, "Mental"... (get it... "Mental" Ward). Whatever.

"Hail to the King, Baby"... Obviously Vicki is having fun... but I can't figure out if Tracy is Drunk, Horny, Tired, or just trying to lift the poor guys wallet.

Can't really remember if this was before or after Blue Man... later in the night, things got a bit sketchy. I think it was before dinner... (hmmm....)

Now, on to Friday:

So Ward and I went over to the Tattoo show at Mandalay Bay, and on the way back we took the tram, and tried our hand at "Pole Dancing"...
Ward is better than I am... (we may -- or may not -- have been drinking for six or seven hour, at this point)
FWIW... NO ONE would get into the tram car with us... one couple stepped in, thought better of it, and grabbed the next one.

OK, referencing the story above... this was the dinner trip to NY, NY... and I can't speak to much of it... contrary to the pictorial evidence... I am not sure I was actually there?!?!?!

BTW... this "chick" (?!?!) was at the next table, and
just wanted to join in on the merriment.

Again... I can't swear I was even there!!!


OK, as noted above... I woke up, brite and sunny at 7AM Saturday... the only problem... I was still pretty hammered -- and Denny's seemed like a GREAT idea...

In fact, breakfast was SO good, I had dessert with it!

Stopping by M&M world on the way back from breakfast...
Back at the hotel the CRASH happened, I was now sober (hungover), full, and TIRED!!!

But... there was still more partying to be had... so after a two-hour cat nap... it was time for THE PARTY

!!!!! SURPRISE !!!!!

I'm not sure what Michael liked better... the cheesecake or the uh... BOOBIES!!!!

The party was great, the food was fabulous... only the hangover sucked!!!I got a few $25 chips as gifts!!!! Thanks Amy, Karina, Michael, Tricia... sorry I didn't gamble with them better. :-)

Sadly, I think this was my only Corona Saturday -- and it almost didn't stay down (but I put on my bib-boy panties and pushed through... HOO HA!)

Sadly... I was not in any shape to party into the night (as noted above, the same cannot be said for Tracy)... so I bid the drunkards "Good-night", and headed to bed early Saturday... but was ready to go again...


While there is nothing special about these two lovely ladies... it is notable that one of them was passed out on the bathroom floor only about four hours earlier (I'm not naming names, mind you).

Poolside cabana, a fridge full of beer, sun, and football... does it get any better?

WOW... what a great weekend... Big thanks to Ward, Vicki, Nick, Amy, Karina, Bill, Terri, Michael, Tricia... for the best birthday EVER

But especially, THANKS to the love of my life... my soul mate... T -- you find new ways to amaze me -- EVERY DAY.
I love you so much!!!!

Monday, October 05, 2009


Nice try! But WHAT HAPPENS IN VEGAS - STAYS IN VEGAS!!!!! You'll just have to join us for my 50th birthday party... start saving now!!!!!!