Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Good bye, my friend...

Gregory Lee Pratt
(May 20, 1943 - April 5, 2009)

"My Dad died this week"; a comment made by millions (billions) before me, in every language spoken, in every corner of the world, and since before time had a name. And yet, I still feel terribly helpless and alone saying it. I couldn't say it... I wouldn't say it.

So I will simply go with "Good bye, Pop" -- my standard parting shot, delivered each time we parted company.

In the midst of this all, I am also touched, and honored by the almost surreal amount of humanity that has come from friends, family, and total strangers. Oddly, it takes the worst of times to bring out best in people.

Here is the obit. Any and all good words are welcome and appreciated -- but anyone wanting to help others can send a little something to the the Arthritis Foundation in his name, by clicking right here.

My dad... my friend -- it's been a great ride, but it's time to go.

1 comment:

Gene said...

What a beautiful narrative. It is a touching and wonderful tribute to not only your father, but the son he raised. There are, of course, no words to fully express one's loss of a parent but your sentiment hits at the core of such a loss. When my friends lose parents, I always like to remind them that they, son or daughter, were preceded in this life by a love story. Take joy in that you had such a loving parent.