Saturday, July 11, 2009

Holy shit... does it ever get easier???

Breakfast of a peanut butter/banana protein shake, and OJ. More on this in a moment...

OK... first off -- sorry I haven't posted anything in about three months. I have gotten so addicted to Facebook that I have severely neglected updating the blog -- simply taking the "easy road" and slamming random thoughts and photos up on my wall. Well... there has been a lot going on, and I thought it was time to get back to some vaguely regular updates.

Since the last update (Illinois Marathon) -- things have pretty much been plodding along status quo... just a few bumps along the road of normalcy -- Tracy quit working at IBM, and is taking the summer off (?!?!!? maybe longer) and is thinking of retooling into teaching, or something a little less taxing. She is also pimping Lia Sophia jewelry (should anyone want to host a party... just let her know). Z and Z are out of school for the summer... my job is going well, finally feel like I am hitting my groove and belong. Running is ramping back up -- I have decided to forego the San Francisco Marathon, and instead run up to Clinton and do the annual Bix 7 (it is the same day). I am however, now training for the Kansas City Marathon 10/17, the Gobbler Grind in November (probably just the half), and then the Goofy Race-and-a-Half in January in Orlando.

Last weekend we decided (at the last minute) to run to Clinton for Independence weekend... good times, great weather, and family... I'll get some pix up soon.

But the big scare was yesterday... Zander had a rough day. I was at work, and Tracy, Zoe and Zander decided to take the bikes to the Longview Lake jogging/biking path. About four miles down the path (into the woods...) they stopped to pick some flowers. When they were done, Tracy and Zoe quickly remounted their bikes -- Zander told them to go ahead, he would get his helmet back on and catch up. He did get his helmet back on -- he didn't catch up. Apparently Tracy and Zoe's attention was caught by a distant wail, and they looked back to see Zander on the ground, wrapped up in his bike; they shot back to see what was wrong...

Somehow his handlebars turned violently, 90 degrees to the left, and he launched over the handlebars... unfortunately, it was his face that cushioned his fall. Sadly, his wails were less of pain, and more of vanity -- wondering where his teeth were, and if he would be ugly.

As I mentioned they were on the trail, in the woods... a few miles from the truck. Tracy needed to get somewhere to triage the damage, so they all pushed their bikes about about half a mile to shelter and used the water fountain and her shirt to try to clean him up a bit. The diagnosis -- several missing teeth (two recovered) and multiple lacerations and abrasions. Realizing the teeth (and beaten up gums) were the worst of it... Tracy shot off on her bike to retrieve the truck (abt three miles away), leaving Zoe -- who is a FABULOUS big sister -- to support and encourage her little brother.

Luckily Tracy arrived back at the truck unscathed... no small feat given she was peddling hard AND calling the Orthodonist, who directed her to our dentist... she returned, grabbed the kids, ran by the house for some cleaner clothes, and (on the dentists directive) dropped the two teeth into a ziplock of milk. Then it was off to the pediatriac dental hospital -- this is where I joined them.

Now ... I know I am no tough guy but I've had almost 40 years of life experience, including 10 years in the military... and while I didn't see real combat, I did do my time in the desert -- with plenty death and destruction all around me. But none of that compares to seeing your little boy chewing on a blood-soaked rag and holding a bag with his teeth in it. UGH!!!!

The dentist did an excellent job of getting two of the teeth back in (time will tell how well they hold) -- we are still missing one of the big front teeth, luckily the other missing tooth was a baby tooth -- and she sutured up the two holes.

Then it was off to the ER at Childrens' Mercy hospital... for more triage, half-a-dozen more stitches to put his lip back together, an x-ray of the right hand/arm/wrist... nothing broken just a nice sprain.

Through it all -- he was amazing, not a tear, or cry... just a few hand squeezes when the needles went in -- and by the time he was getting his spongebath (which I think he secretly enjoyed) he was flirting with all the nurses and the doc. I, on the other hand, had to sit down a couple of times (it was that or fall down). UGH -- nobody ever said being a parent was so difficult -- but I wouldn't change it for the world!!!!

This was him last night before bed... pretty drugged up, but obviously still Zander!!!! What a STUD!


Mental said...

Glad you threw in that last picture, good to see he hasn't damaged his personality.

Helmets huh? Who knew? Not when we were kids.

Dr. R. said...

I don't think anything could damage the personality of Zander Pratt! Way to go..true LFE Stallion! Hang in there, buddy..see you back on the Farm soon!