Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Three weeks, three races... One (very cool) Belt Buckle

(Repost from FB)

OK -- caveat -- this is a very self-serving note, I just had a wild couple of weeks, and felt like recapping and sharing... Read on, but you've been warned. It's all about me. :-)

So, I'm not really sure when this adventure began... and I have no idea when it will end (Hey Rusty -- what's the status of the 1/1/11 Marathon? I have recruited three others to run!) --- but the big push came last year when was my looking down the barrel of my 40th bday, and decided to run four marathons to celebrate (Remember this: Well, as most of you know, my training ended badly and abruptly last November, with a severe, high ankle sprain, and a cracked bone. Worse yet, I had to forfeit my $385 Goofy-Challenge registration. :-(

I had to begin training all over in the spring (not totally healed, but the ASO brace kept my foot where it was s'posed to be) -- building the miles back, and strengthening my ankle. At some point in the Spring, favorite sister/favorite Aimee called and said she wanted to do the Kansas City Marathon, and asked me to do it with her -- I said "Sure", and the clock began counting down.

Early on in the training (July-ish?) I attended a wedding in Columbia, MO, and while there, I swung by the Starting Block (!.html) to grab a couple of shirts. While there, I picked up the flyer for the Roots 'N Blues 'N BBQ Half Marathon, scheduled for 10/2. I wasn't really looking for a half, but the finisher medal was a BELT BUCKLE!!!! I HAD to have it... so I registered there and then.

Fast forward a couple of weeks -- I was putzing around some running website, and realized the Chicago Marathon would be run on 10/10/10 -- more personally known as "My 41st Birthday" -- given Chicago is a major marathon, it had sold out months earlier. But, thanks to a little luck, in the form of a calf strained stranger, and Chicago Craigslist -- I would be able to run as "Ken Nahigian".

So that's how it came to be, as I entered October, 2010 -- I had a half-marathon, and two fulls stacked in 15 days.

Race 1: Columbia, MO "Root 'N Blues 'N BBQ", October 2, 7AM

I've never run in Columbia, so I didn't know what to expect -- I was a little surprised at how hilly the course was -- it was almost more of a trail run, as much of the race was on trails (the Katy Trail and it's extensions), thru the Mizzou campus, and in various parking lots. A beautiful day, where a cold front came through town during the race... starting temperature was 63 with a calm wind, when I finished it was 54, with a bitingly cold north wind. I really didn't notice the wind because I was too busy double-checking my watch... I entered the race hoping to turn a 1:35 (I did 1:41 at Lucky 13.1 in June), however, at the finish line I was looking at 1:27!!! Not a PR, but the best I have done in years -- I was quite pleased.

Crazy-mad props to my wonderful Aunt Karen for hosting me, and to Kurt and Jessica for a wonderful pre-race dinner.

Race 2: Chicago, IL "Bank of America Chicago Marathon", October 10, 7:30AM

I went to Chicago with the spoken goal of running 3:40-3:45 (I ran 3:51 at the KC Marathon in 2010) and an unspoke hope of 3:30. Mentally preparing at the starting line, I knew I needed to start slow, pace myself, take advantage of the aid stations, and relax. So when the starter pistol fired, I took off like I was being chased by a dog... first mile 6:02. Yep... six minutes and two seconds -- I'm a moron! I hit the 13.1 split just a couple of minutes slower than my Columbia Half time! Did I say I was a moron? About mile 18, I reeeeeeeealy began to fade, and for the next five miles it continued... my feet hurt, and my mind began to doubt. However, with 5K to go, I got out of my funk, picked up my pace -- and ended with very respectable 3:37 and change.

All-in-all, and amazing experience -- just me and 38,000 of my closest friends -- ran through downtown, Boys Town, China Town, whatever the politically-correct term for Mexican-ville is, and even a few residential neighborhoods. The crowd support was fantastic, and the aid station seemed like one, giant 26 mile Gatorade stop!!

Shouts this time to Kim and Wes for their great hospitality (although I did pick up more dog poop that I figured I would) -- I love your place! And to Jim and Phyllis for both a wonderful dinner and some very nice birthday surprises...

And Pete & Sue for hosting me in & out -- and OF COURSE sis-in-law Lisa for the BEST birthday present and a HOMEMADE (not Ho Made) cake!!!

Race 3: Kansas City, MO "Waddell & Reed Kansas City Marathon", October 16, 7:30AM

This was the first race I had planned (and registered for), and now it was the end of my fifteen days of insanity ... Aimee and her bestie "Hollie Anne" arrived Friday night to Tracy's wonderful pasta dinner. Sadly, Hollie was not well... and we were seriously wondering whether or not she would run. But at 5:30 Saturday morning, she was surprisingly chipper and ready to go (Aimee, however, wanted to take her time, and do her best to make us late for the start!!!!).

After arriving at the start, we found the 4:30 pace group and began to get psyched! Amy and Hollie felt 4:30 was realistic -- we knew what our pace should be, and we were ready. The gun sounded ... and they forgot they were 'posed to be with the pace group! We left the 4:30 folks well behind us, and began our tour of Cow-town. This may not have been my fastest race ever --- but it was WITHOUT A DOUBT, the most fun I have ever had running 26 miles!!!!!

Just props here to my favorite running partner... I love you AIMEE!!! You'll always be my "bestie". And to SLOW "Hollie Anne" too... thanks for coming and playing with us!

Personal aside -- marathon training is a 16-week endeavor. I tell everyone, themarathon isn't the race at the end... the marathon is the training. The race is the celebration of commitment! My training began in early June ... since that time, I have run nearly 100 hours, just over 600 miles (from KC to Denver), and lost about 10 pounds.

We are already planning future races... KC, Chicago.... NEW YORK... let me know if you wanna come with!

