Saturday, February 14, 2009

So... what's our hero been up to??

Our Hero

When we last saw Daron, he was in full vain (and veiny) mode having gotten a personal trainer (still can speak highly enuf of Efrem!!!) to prep for the first, of many, middle-aged milestone --- his 20th High School Reunion.  Efrem did his job extremely well, and Daron dropped pounds of fat, added pounds of muscle -- but alas, our hero could not maintain that pace, and back-slid into old habits (and bigger pants) through the winter.

So where are we now... He (oh, hell with the third person)... I am pushing through the big, revolving door of life toward another of those mid-life milestones.  Later this year, I hit 40!!!!  
To be precise:

So what do we do to commemorate this milestone event?  Lie?  Cry?  Eat Nachos?  No!!! (well, except for the last -- I really like nachos)  Back when I was just a young pup of 20, I was in really great shape... but at 30, I made a push to be in better shape than I was 10 years prior.  Having run back-to-back annual marathons prior to my 30th birthday, I was in GREAT shape.  

Welp, why jack with a recipe that works... let's do it again...

This is going to be the year of the races... first I am doing the Illinois Marathon in lovely Champaign-Urbana Illinois.  But that's just the start.... (actually, I guess it's not the real first -- again, we are fielding a team for the most fun race of all... the Brew-to-Brew, which is a week before the Illinois Marathon, but it's a relay a FOURTY-THREE mile relay!!!) -- following that, I have decided to do a marathon every couple of months to commemorate this iconic milestone...

After April, I am looking for the summer race -- it'll have to be somewhere waaaaay north to keep it from being too hot --- perhaps Grandma's Marathon in Duluth, MN, or the Grizzly Marathon in Choteau, MT... well see.

But I am pretty sure the fall race will be the Chicago Marathon... I've had my eye on this race for several years, and it takes place the day after my birthday -- Oct, 11, so this seems like the year.

However... that is not THE race of the year... stay tuned for the goofiest thing you've seen me do yet... and I've done some pretty goofy things!!!!


1 comment:

Techwriter said...

I am glad that you realize that you can still be a hero at four-O. Personally , it was my favorite BD. It only gets better. At 40 you figure out that you don't have to take crap off of anyone and can be more relaxed about a lot of things. Wait till you get to 50. Then you really know that you don't have to put up with much of the BS you used to and you don't really care about the BS you put up with.