Saturday, March 14, 2009

It's all mental (no Chris... not you)

I am not a running coach, I don't pretend to be a running coach (I don't even play one 0n TV) -- I'll leave the coaching to Rusty... but, on occasion, those who know I run, have solicited advice on various aspects of running, apparel, training et al... And while I am always willing to opine about whatever the subject, the general piece of advice I always provide this this:

"Running is 30 percent respiratory health, 20 percent physical health, and 50 percent mental health."  

What I mean by that is simple -- once you have mentally decided you are going to run five, ten... or 26.2 miles, you will do so (assuming you have marginally trained).

That brings us to today -- I had planned (that is, mentally prepared) to run 15 miles.  Because, as some of you know, I am running the Illinois Marathon next month.  However, about an hour before I went to run -- my virtual training buddy (and Illinois Marathon partner) Aimme (who just also happens to be my sister in-law) posted to her Facebook page that she is running 18 this weekend.  

So off I went on my run -- a marked, set of trails by Longview Lake... still planning on 15 -- but when I got to around seven miles, I decided I'd turn around at eight, making the run 16 miles.  Good, my mind was OK with that, so that's what I did... and I began plodding back the 8 miles.  Because I had predetermined I was running 16 miles, I began to feel the normal, phantom pains around mile 14 (cuz with two left, that is where my mind decided I should start to hurt.... whatver!!!) 

But then something funny happend... I began to think about Aimee, and how resilient she is, how strong she is.  I talk a tough game... but sometimes, it's just that; talk (how many marathons have I registered for in the last couple of years; only to have something come up -- to where I haven't completed a single one in over ten years!).  But back in mid-January Aimee said she was going to run Illinois (and the ridiculously-egotistical side of me always promised her I would run one with her, whenever she decided to do so).  For those of you non-marathoners -- ANY marathon training plan is 16 weeks long (you do the math).

So back to that funny-thing, I knew if I was in Iowa running with Aimee -- there was no way she would stop two miles before me... so the next thing I know, the pain goes away (was it really ever there), and I just blazed right past my car -- another mile out, another back.

So there you have it... 16 for me -- two you for you, Aimee -- you are truly inspirational.

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