Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Three weeks, three races... One (very cool) Belt Buckle

(Repost from FB)

OK -- caveat -- this is a very self-serving note, I just had a wild couple of weeks, and felt like recapping and sharing... Read on, but you've been warned. It's all about me. :-)

So, I'm not really sure when this adventure began... and I have no idea when it will end (Hey Rusty -- what's the status of the 1/1/11 Marathon? I have recruited three others to run!) --- but the big push came last year when was my looking down the barrel of my 40th bday, and decided to run four marathons to celebrate (Remember this: Well, as most of you know, my training ended badly and abruptly last November, with a severe, high ankle sprain, and a cracked bone. Worse yet, I had to forfeit my $385 Goofy-Challenge registration. :-(

I had to begin training all over in the spring (not totally healed, but the ASO brace kept my foot where it was s'posed to be) -- building the miles back, and strengthening my ankle. At some point in the Spring, favorite sister/favorite Aimee called and said she wanted to do the Kansas City Marathon, and asked me to do it with her -- I said "Sure", and the clock began counting down.

Early on in the training (July-ish?) I attended a wedding in Columbia, MO, and while there, I swung by the Starting Block (!.html) to grab a couple of shirts. While there, I picked up the flyer for the Roots 'N Blues 'N BBQ Half Marathon, scheduled for 10/2. I wasn't really looking for a half, but the finisher medal was a BELT BUCKLE!!!! I HAD to have it... so I registered there and then.

Fast forward a couple of weeks -- I was putzing around some running website, and realized the Chicago Marathon would be run on 10/10/10 -- more personally known as "My 41st Birthday" -- given Chicago is a major marathon, it had sold out months earlier. But, thanks to a little luck, in the form of a calf strained stranger, and Chicago Craigslist -- I would be able to run as "Ken Nahigian".

So that's how it came to be, as I entered October, 2010 -- I had a half-marathon, and two fulls stacked in 15 days.

Race 1: Columbia, MO "Root 'N Blues 'N BBQ", October 2, 7AM

I've never run in Columbia, so I didn't know what to expect -- I was a little surprised at how hilly the course was -- it was almost more of a trail run, as much of the race was on trails (the Katy Trail and it's extensions), thru the Mizzou campus, and in various parking lots. A beautiful day, where a cold front came through town during the race... starting temperature was 63 with a calm wind, when I finished it was 54, with a bitingly cold north wind. I really didn't notice the wind because I was too busy double-checking my watch... I entered the race hoping to turn a 1:35 (I did 1:41 at Lucky 13.1 in June), however, at the finish line I was looking at 1:27!!! Not a PR, but the best I have done in years -- I was quite pleased.

Crazy-mad props to my wonderful Aunt Karen for hosting me, and to Kurt and Jessica for a wonderful pre-race dinner.

Race 2: Chicago, IL "Bank of America Chicago Marathon", October 10, 7:30AM

I went to Chicago with the spoken goal of running 3:40-3:45 (I ran 3:51 at the KC Marathon in 2010) and an unspoke hope of 3:30. Mentally preparing at the starting line, I knew I needed to start slow, pace myself, take advantage of the aid stations, and relax. So when the starter pistol fired, I took off like I was being chased by a dog... first mile 6:02. Yep... six minutes and two seconds -- I'm a moron! I hit the 13.1 split just a couple of minutes slower than my Columbia Half time! Did I say I was a moron? About mile 18, I reeeeeeeealy began to fade, and for the next five miles it continued... my feet hurt, and my mind began to doubt. However, with 5K to go, I got out of my funk, picked up my pace -- and ended with very respectable 3:37 and change.

All-in-all, and amazing experience -- just me and 38,000 of my closest friends -- ran through downtown, Boys Town, China Town, whatever the politically-correct term for Mexican-ville is, and even a few residential neighborhoods. The crowd support was fantastic, and the aid station seemed like one, giant 26 mile Gatorade stop!!

Shouts this time to Kim and Wes for their great hospitality (although I did pick up more dog poop that I figured I would) -- I love your place! And to Jim and Phyllis for both a wonderful dinner and some very nice birthday surprises...

And Pete & Sue for hosting me in & out -- and OF COURSE sis-in-law Lisa for the BEST birthday present and a HOMEMADE (not Ho Made) cake!!!

Race 3: Kansas City, MO "Waddell & Reed Kansas City Marathon", October 16, 7:30AM

This was the first race I had planned (and registered for), and now it was the end of my fifteen days of insanity ... Aimee and her bestie "Hollie Anne" arrived Friday night to Tracy's wonderful pasta dinner. Sadly, Hollie was not well... and we were seriously wondering whether or not she would run. But at 5:30 Saturday morning, she was surprisingly chipper and ready to go (Aimee, however, wanted to take her time, and do her best to make us late for the start!!!!).

After arriving at the start, we found the 4:30 pace group and began to get psyched! Amy and Hollie felt 4:30 was realistic -- we knew what our pace should be, and we were ready. The gun sounded ... and they forgot they were 'posed to be with the pace group! We left the 4:30 folks well behind us, and began our tour of Cow-town. This may not have been my fastest race ever --- but it was WITHOUT A DOUBT, the most fun I have ever had running 26 miles!!!!!

Just props here to my favorite running partner... I love you AIMEE!!! You'll always be my "bestie". And to SLOW "Hollie Anne" too... thanks for coming and playing with us!

Personal aside -- marathon training is a 16-week endeavor. I tell everyone, themarathon isn't the race at the end... the marathon is the training. The race is the celebration of commitment! My training began in early June ... since that time, I have run nearly 100 hours, just over 600 miles (from KC to Denver), and lost about 10 pounds.

We are already planning future races... KC, Chicago.... NEW YORK... let me know if you wanna come with!



Sunday, October 18, 2009

Vegas Baby -- (or "How I Learned to Stop Worring, and Love My Liver")

Happy Birthday to ME!!!!

OK... so not everyone thought the last Vegas post was as funny as I did... but ya gotta admit, there was a certain amount of humor in it. Anyway... I have gathered a few pix to share -- the less "incriminating" ones, anyway. I will respect the "What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas", for some of the more ... uh ... entertaining events. (If you want to know the dirt, feel free to ask Karina or Tim Duncan (yes that Tim Duncan).

But first, the story...

I'll give you the five-minute overview, from my myopic vantage point. It all began at the airport in Vegas... (cue the flashback music and blurred images)

But first the very brief background... I wanted to go to Vegas for my 40th birthday -- and as luck had it, some friends we hadn't seen in a couple of years (Michael and Tricia Cohen) were going to be there, for a wedding, the week prior to my birthday -- so we elected that weekend to celebrate.

Upon arrival, Thursday afternoon, at McCarran Airport, Tracy and I were strolling through baggage claim, and she commented she would call the shuttle company and see where we were to meet the bus. However, when she put the phone to her ear, she said "Hey, we are here... where are you guys?" Hmmm.... that seemed an odd way to talk the bus dispatcher. Then I turned to see Chris and Vicki Ward (from Colorado... or maybe Oklahoma... or was it Atlanta, or Nebraska... whatever, like it matters... the important thing is THEY WERE STANDING IN FRONT OF ME!!!). WOW, COOL, a couple of my friends came out for my birthday! So we all four jump on the bus to our hotel (The Excalibur).

After we check in and get organized, we head to the lobby bar... where local, KC friend Nick Palermo is waiting for us... another surprise!!! So we drink there for awhile (this may become a theme...)

Now all five of us head north, up the strip, to the Venetian so Tracy and I can pick up our tickets to The Blue Man Group... we stopped at ever hotel/casino along the way for another beer (and for Ward to piss... man, that dude has the bladder of a three-year-old girl!). So, as we get our tickets (BTW... T is pretty loaded at this point, and had a few very special moments with Barbara the ticket rep)... Nick decides to go too, and buys THREE tickets (hmmmmm.....).

Tickets acquired, we crossed the street to go eat at the buffet at The Mirage... by now, it is just a mobile party. As we sit down to eat bestest drinking (and occasional running) buddy Amy Krohn walks in, with the EVER-beautiful (and galatically-patient) Karina. So, it is now it is dinner for seven... the drinking, eating, and noise-making continued until it was time to run across the street for the show... The Blue Man Group is awesome... if you ever go to Vegas, I recommend it above all others (sorry... I just don't get any of the Cirque du Soleil crap...). From the show, we made our way back to the Excalibur (drunken pix with Faux-Elvis, and the MGM statues, and the requisite stops for beer/peeing at each hotel), where we all pretty much called it a night.

Friday started with Ward and I going for a nice, healthy, four-mile run in the 80 degree dessert sunshine. Sadly... that was about the only healthy maneuver of the day... we hit the poolside at 10AM, and the Corona/Dos Equis began flowing... I'm still a little sketchy on the day's chronology... but I did end up showered and dressed, and we ended up in the casino, where Bill and Terri Bergmann magically appeared next to me! Now all 9 of us made our way next door to New York, New York for Pizza (and beer), and then back to the Excalibur for Blackjack. We were playing at a place they call "The Party Pit"... it is the table game area (mostly BJ) for the um... "rowdy"... no that's not right... the UNRULY crowd. Resplendent with stripper-lite chicks on stage behind the dealers, party beads, and the "fun" dealers and pit-bosses. Again... it gets a little vague here... but I do recall Ward and Bill alternating between handing me cans of Red Bull, and QUARTS of Corona (cuz I'm the guy you want BOTH drunk AND hopped up on Red Bull.... MISTAKE!!!!). And I was playing like an idiot... ("three and a six, against your Ace??? SPLIT 'EM!!!!"). The weird part... I kept winning! The only (vaguely) intelligent part of the night, is that each time I got a nice stack of chips, I would color them up, and had Tracy a $100 chip -- apparently, I did this several times!!!!! Finally, I found my way back to the room around 3AM ... FRIGGIN' FANTASTIC NIGHT!!!

You'd think Saturday morning would be less than spectacular -- but (as luck would have it), I woke back up at 7AM (yes, four hours later)... no hangover, cuz I was still pretty lit!!! At this time... Denny's didn't just seem like a good idea, it seemed like the ONLY idea. While everyone else didn't really agree -- I did call and wake everyone so we could go get breakfast. Unfortunately, by the time I finished eating -- the hangover was there... and I was TIRED!!!! So back to the hotel for a nap (about 10AM).

Two hours later, I gave serious consideration to killing Bill. He was pounding on my hotel door, and telling me it was time for lunch. The mere thought of food made me want to hurl... and I was still tired... and hungover -- and this bald bastard would not let me go back to sleep. Dick! Soon Ward joined him, and I was told "the wives" are waiting for us to join them for lunch. (at this point I hated them too, btw) So, again we are heading North up the strip, to Planet Hollywood -- where I am bitching and complaining with every step! Finally we arrive at one of those Brazilian Steakhouses (I'm still pissed)... and we walk into a private room, where "the wives", and Nick, and Amy & Karina, AND Michael and Tricia all yell "SURPRISE".... (I suddenly felt a bitawkward).

This was the biggest surprise of the weekend... Tracy -- who, as some of you know, plans NOTHING -- had NOT ONLY pulled a dozen friends to town, also planned the surprise party, complete with AMAZING 35 minute video montage!!!! It was a incredible (blazing hangover, notwithstanding).

The remainder of that day was pretty nonchalant for me... I lost a bit at BJ, and didn't feel like drinking (DUH!) so I racked out before 10PM. Tracy, on the other hand, along with Vicki, joined Tricia and her friend Nichole and they had a great time (this is one off the "WHIV, SIV" moments -- you can ask her for the details)... just know her night culminated around 3AM, with me holding her hair back (if you've been there, you understand what I mean).

Then it was Sunday -- our last full day in Vegas -- we elected to rent a poolside cabana for the day -- complete with big-screen TV, table, couch, 'fridge, and chaise lounges. We watched almost nine hours of football (gotta love Pacific time -- football starts at 10AM!!!!), got further sunburned, and generally had a great time.

Monday rolled around, all too soon... and Tracy and I slept the entire flight home!!!! Which is a good thing - I think I calculated less than ten hours of sleep between Thursday and Monday!!!! F**k New York... Vegas is the city that never sleeps! Below are some of the "shareable" pix from the trip...

Now for the pix...


This is after we arrived (and had a few rounds at the Excalibur) ... and were beginning the trek to the Venetian to pick up the Blue Man Tix

Not sure the best part of this picture... the "Las Vegas Blvd" sign in the back, or both my homies throwing up gang signs!!!

I believe I am the last remaining hold-out who doesn't refer to Ward by his call-sign, "Mental"... (get it... "Mental" Ward). Whatever.

"Hail to the King, Baby"... Obviously Vicki is having fun... but I can't figure out if Tracy is Drunk, Horny, Tired, or just trying to lift the poor guys wallet.

Can't really remember if this was before or after Blue Man... later in the night, things got a bit sketchy. I think it was before dinner... (hmmm....)

Now, on to Friday:

So Ward and I went over to the Tattoo show at Mandalay Bay, and on the way back we took the tram, and tried our hand at "Pole Dancing"...
Ward is better than I am... (we may -- or may not -- have been drinking for six or seven hour, at this point)
FWIW... NO ONE would get into the tram car with us... one couple stepped in, thought better of it, and grabbed the next one.

OK, referencing the story above... this was the dinner trip to NY, NY... and I can't speak to much of it... contrary to the pictorial evidence... I am not sure I was actually there?!?!?!

BTW... this "chick" (?!?!) was at the next table, and
just wanted to join in on the merriment.

Again... I can't swear I was even there!!!


OK, as noted above... I woke up, brite and sunny at 7AM Saturday... the only problem... I was still pretty hammered -- and Denny's seemed like a GREAT idea...

In fact, breakfast was SO good, I had dessert with it!

Stopping by M&M world on the way back from breakfast...
Back at the hotel the CRASH happened, I was now sober (hungover), full, and TIRED!!!

But... there was still more partying to be had... so after a two-hour cat nap... it was time for THE PARTY

!!!!! SURPRISE !!!!!

I'm not sure what Michael liked better... the cheesecake or the uh... BOOBIES!!!!

The party was great, the food was fabulous... only the hangover sucked!!!I got a few $25 chips as gifts!!!! Thanks Amy, Karina, Michael, Tricia... sorry I didn't gamble with them better. :-)

Sadly, I think this was my only Corona Saturday -- and it almost didn't stay down (but I put on my bib-boy panties and pushed through... HOO HA!)

Sadly... I was not in any shape to party into the night (as noted above, the same cannot be said for Tracy)... so I bid the drunkards "Good-night", and headed to bed early Saturday... but was ready to go again...


While there is nothing special about these two lovely ladies... it is notable that one of them was passed out on the bathroom floor only about four hours earlier (I'm not naming names, mind you).

Poolside cabana, a fridge full of beer, sun, and football... does it get any better?

WOW... what a great weekend... Big thanks to Ward, Vicki, Nick, Amy, Karina, Bill, Terri, Michael, Tricia... for the best birthday EVER

But especially, THANKS to the love of my life... my soul mate... T -- you find new ways to amaze me -- EVERY DAY.
I love you so much!!!!

Monday, October 05, 2009


Nice try! But WHAT HAPPENS IN VEGAS - STAYS IN VEGAS!!!!! You'll just have to join us for my 50th birthday party... start saving now!!!!!!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Holy shit... does it ever get easier???

Breakfast of a peanut butter/banana protein shake, and OJ. More on this in a moment...

OK... first off -- sorry I haven't posted anything in about three months. I have gotten so addicted to Facebook that I have severely neglected updating the blog -- simply taking the "easy road" and slamming random thoughts and photos up on my wall. Well... there has been a lot going on, and I thought it was time to get back to some vaguely regular updates.

Since the last update (Illinois Marathon) -- things have pretty much been plodding along status quo... just a few bumps along the road of normalcy -- Tracy quit working at IBM, and is taking the summer off (?!?!!? maybe longer) and is thinking of retooling into teaching, or something a little less taxing. She is also pimping Lia Sophia jewelry (should anyone want to host a party... just let her know). Z and Z are out of school for the summer... my job is going well, finally feel like I am hitting my groove and belong. Running is ramping back up -- I have decided to forego the San Francisco Marathon, and instead run up to Clinton and do the annual Bix 7 (it is the same day). I am however, now training for the Kansas City Marathon 10/17, the Gobbler Grind in November (probably just the half), and then the Goofy Race-and-a-Half in January in Orlando.

Last weekend we decided (at the last minute) to run to Clinton for Independence weekend... good times, great weather, and family... I'll get some pix up soon.

But the big scare was yesterday... Zander had a rough day. I was at work, and Tracy, Zoe and Zander decided to take the bikes to the Longview Lake jogging/biking path. About four miles down the path (into the woods...) they stopped to pick some flowers. When they were done, Tracy and Zoe quickly remounted their bikes -- Zander told them to go ahead, he would get his helmet back on and catch up. He did get his helmet back on -- he didn't catch up. Apparently Tracy and Zoe's attention was caught by a distant wail, and they looked back to see Zander on the ground, wrapped up in his bike; they shot back to see what was wrong...

Somehow his handlebars turned violently, 90 degrees to the left, and he launched over the handlebars... unfortunately, it was his face that cushioned his fall. Sadly, his wails were less of pain, and more of vanity -- wondering where his teeth were, and if he would be ugly.

As I mentioned they were on the trail, in the woods... a few miles from the truck. Tracy needed to get somewhere to triage the damage, so they all pushed their bikes about about half a mile to shelter and used the water fountain and her shirt to try to clean him up a bit. The diagnosis -- several missing teeth (two recovered) and multiple lacerations and abrasions. Realizing the teeth (and beaten up gums) were the worst of it... Tracy shot off on her bike to retrieve the truck (abt three miles away), leaving Zoe -- who is a FABULOUS big sister -- to support and encourage her little brother.

Luckily Tracy arrived back at the truck unscathed... no small feat given she was peddling hard AND calling the Orthodonist, who directed her to our dentist... she returned, grabbed the kids, ran by the house for some cleaner clothes, and (on the dentists directive) dropped the two teeth into a ziplock of milk. Then it was off to the pediatriac dental hospital -- this is where I joined them.

Now ... I know I am no tough guy but I've had almost 40 years of life experience, including 10 years in the military... and while I didn't see real combat, I did do my time in the desert -- with plenty death and destruction all around me. But none of that compares to seeing your little boy chewing on a blood-soaked rag and holding a bag with his teeth in it. UGH!!!!

The dentist did an excellent job of getting two of the teeth back in (time will tell how well they hold) -- we are still missing one of the big front teeth, luckily the other missing tooth was a baby tooth -- and she sutured up the two holes.

Then it was off to the ER at Childrens' Mercy hospital... for more triage, half-a-dozen more stitches to put his lip back together, an x-ray of the right hand/arm/wrist... nothing broken just a nice sprain.

Through it all -- he was amazing, not a tear, or cry... just a few hand squeezes when the needles went in -- and by the time he was getting his spongebath (which I think he secretly enjoyed) he was flirting with all the nurses and the doc. I, on the other hand, had to sit down a couple of times (it was that or fall down). UGH -- nobody ever said being a parent was so difficult -- but I wouldn't change it for the world!!!!

This was him last night before bed... pretty drugged up, but obviously still Zander!!!! What a STUD!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

One down three to go... bitches...

OK, so my KICK-ASS girl Aimee just kicked her first marathon... yesterday she was talking about 4:45... I knew she could do better. So just a scant 4:11 later, we crossed the finish line!!!
This is the first of the four for the year... as of now, San Francisco is next (July 26th ish... or so). I will be solo; I hope to do a sub-4 (maybe 3:45).
But right now I feel really good!!!!
Peace out...

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Good bye, my friend...

Gregory Lee Pratt
(May 20, 1943 - April 5, 2009)

"My Dad died this week"; a comment made by millions (billions) before me, in every language spoken, in every corner of the world, and since before time had a name. And yet, I still feel terribly helpless and alone saying it. I couldn't say it... I wouldn't say it.

So I will simply go with "Good bye, Pop" -- my standard parting shot, delivered each time we parted company.

In the midst of this all, I am also touched, and honored by the almost surreal amount of humanity that has come from friends, family, and total strangers. Oddly, it takes the worst of times to bring out best in people.

Here is the obit. Any and all good words are welcome and appreciated -- but anyone wanting to help others can send a little something to the the Arthritis Foundation in his name, by clicking right here.

My dad... my friend -- it's been a great ride, but it's time to go.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Marathon Update...

So, just a quick update on the marathon front... if you look a couple of posts down, I plan on four big races for my big 4-0 year.

Just two weeks til the Illinois Marathon -- I feel ready for it... but we have the Uber-fun Brew-to-Brew ( next weekend. Of course, that is more drinking than runnin', but LOTS of fun. As of now, the weather is supposed to be pretty good too.

But for the summer -- I had only been looking to the great, white north for a cool summertime run -- welp, I didn't think of looking to Mark Twain's summer hang out. The San Francisco Marathon ( is July 26th. Plus with Jane, Judy, and Bill there -- I can have some quality family time to boot!

Chicago has been taken off the books for October -- which was one day after my 40th birthday -- welp, apparently my beloved has some form of plans in the works, which may result in me being impared on that day (?!?!). So I will do the local KC Marathon ( following weekend.

Everthing is still on for Orlando in January (I've already paid for that one).

On On...
